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Business Writing

Instruction and experience in writing for business, industry, and government. Emphasis on clarity, conciseness, and effectiveness in preparing letters, memos, and reports for specific audiences. Prereq: Completion of University Writing requirement.

Technical Writing

Instruction and experience in writing for science and technology. Emphasis on clarity, conciseness, and effectiveness in preparing letters, memos, and reports for specific audiences. Prereq: Completion of University Writing requirement.

Lit And Genre

A course exploring one or two different literary forms or genres, i.e. the formal categories into which literary works are placed. Students will explore the conventions of each genre and their sub-genres. Attention will be paid to student writing.

Perspectives In American Culture

A team-taught seminar on a selected period in American history, emphasizing how different disciplines complement and illuminate a perspective on that period. Possible periods for study: Colonial America, the Enlightenment Age in America, the Age of Jackson, Ante-bellum America, Civil War and Reconstruction, the Gilded Age, America between the Two Wars, and Contemporary America. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits. Prereq: AC 301.

Historical Linguistics

Students in this course will study a variety of topics related to the topic of language change: the reconstruction of linguistic systems; language classification; comparative linguistics; the temporal, spatial, and social context of language change. Prereq: ENG/LIN?211, or ENG 414G, or equivalent. (Same as LIN 319.)

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